Saturday, July 24, 2010

Prepare Yourself - Moving is Not an Easy Task and Doing it Properly is Very Important

Submitted By: G Kharchenko
Congratulations on your Move!
This is a thrilling time in your life, a time of fond farewells and new beginnings. No matter how near or how far you are moving, careful and organized planning is the key to maintaining the excitement in your moving experience.
The United States is the most mobile society in the world. It is estimated that each

year nearly 20 percent of the population relocates. Roughly speaking, forty million Americans moved in 2001. Approximately 800,000 of these moves can be contributed to job-related transfers. So don't feel that you are alone. Whether you are moving locally or across the country, relocation is no simple matter. The adventure of the new can quickly lead to panic and anxiety H you are not prepared. You will love to move if you use this step-by-step guide to plan your move.

Relocating is a huge task for a single individual and an immense challenge when the entire family is involved. The individual needs of each family member must be considered, liven if your move is a corporate relocation, almost everything but the heavy lifting, packing, and unpacking will be your responsibility. It can be a stressful and emotional time for all involved, and planning ahead is the only way to stay in control of the situation.

Moving is a physical process and a demanding one at that. Moving is also a state of mind. You can make the process go more smoothly if you develop the moving mind-set. What is this mind-set? It's a positive attitude, recognition that challenges that you and your family can meet. When you develop the moving mind-set, you take the opportunity to celebrate change with friends and family, to embrace your new community, and to help your children (and yourself) cope with the moving blues.

The moving mind-set is also your commitment to staying on track from the beginning of the moving process until you are completely settled into your new community. This book will lead you through this process and not leave you dangling on any issues that may arise along the way.

Moving is a time of change, so why not celebrate the change with style? Here are some of my favorite tried-and-true ways to start a move off on a positive foot.

Celebrate this new milestone in your life with a party. Make a list of everyone you and your family members want to invite. Plan the party on a date when most people will be able to attend, and bold it well in advance of your moving date. Make sure children are included on the list, or plan a separate party for them and their friends. You may want to have a separate intimate dinner party or outdoor barbecue for really close friends.

To better prepare youngsters for an upcoming move, photograph them at their favorite places, such as the playground, their best friend's house, or McDonald's. Ask your children to say good-bye lo these special spots and to their friends.
READ MORE - Prepare Yourself - Moving is Not an Easy Task and Doing it Properly is Very Important

Switch to Organic Lawn Care and Protect the Environment

Submitted By: Eric Winston
Many gardeners today have made the switch from chemical-based to organic green lawn care products. There are many reasons to why you should switch to organic lawn care. Switching is not difficult to do at all; it’s really just a matter of making up your mind. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits to you by doing so.

Good to the Environment
Switching to organic lawn care fertilizer is one of the most beneficial reasons to switch. It is much more environmentally friendly. Chemical-based products are damaging your plants and the environment every time you use them. Organic lawn care fertilizers protect the environment and help keep the world you live in healthy and clean.

Good on your Budget
Why would you use something that is: a. not good for the environment and b. more expensive? Going green is more cost-effective to you! For the most part, organic lawn care products are the same price if not cheaper than their chemical-based competition. Over a period of time as your lawn care adds up you will see how much you are saving yourself.

You are also improving your soil structure by using organic. You are just juicing up your lawn with unsustainable top growth through synthetic fertilizers. A lawn is only as good as its soil underneath it. So, get your soil tested. The results will provide you with answers to what the soil needs, so that you can put money into the materials necessary. You will be able to develop a fertilization plan around what the soil is deficient in. There are many organic fertilizers out there that provide many of the same nutrients as chemical fertilizers. It will save you money in the long run.

Good and Safe
Organic lawn care is safer for you to use. When using chemical fertilizers you have to be careful and worry about spilling it or having your children or pets around it. But, organic fertilizers are completely natural and you will never have to worry about the damage chemicals could do.

Less Waste
One of the biggest problems with chemical lawn fertilizers is their “kill everything” approach. They will often kill things like unwanted dandelions and ants, but they will also kill helpful organisms such as earthworms, bees and beneficial microorganisms. If your lawn was made of up 50% weeds, then you would still poison the soil in the remaining 50% with unnecessary chemicals. With organic lawn fertilizers, there is no concern for toxic runoffs.

Man-made chemicals are much harder to dissipate, and often form more potent by-products in the process. Chemicals react with our planet in very unnatural ways; therefore organic products are better for the earth.
Organic fertilizers are widely available and are not hard to find in stores so this is nothing to have to worry about if switching to organic lawn care.

If you would like more information on how to implement an organic lawn care google natural lawn fertilizers for a variety of natural organic lawn care tips and strategies.
READ MORE - Switch to Organic Lawn Care and Protect the Environment