Friday, December 31, 2010

5 Great Gift Ideas to Get For Your Baby

Submitted By: Danica Reynes
A baby care timer, digital analyzer of a baby's cries, frame for displaying digital media, video monitor for babies, or a traveling bottle heater are some baby gifts you might choose for tech savvy parents.

It's always good to have an idea of a few cool baby gifts under your sleeves if you have any baby events to attend to. Some baby care items have stood the test of time as functional and classic gift items. But, if you want to try something new or if you or the child's parents are tech savvy and fond of gadgets, there are several cool baby gifts equipped with modern features that you can give. Below are some of them:

Care timer for babies

A baby care timer is the perfect gift for busy or working parents who might find it difficult to keep track of baby care routines such as feeding, baths and other important tasks. If parents are not able to meet their baby's needs, they frequently wind up suffering from sleep deprivation or find themselves with a temperamental toddler. An infant timer device is equipped with a screen as well as timers. It allows parents to monitor their baby's feeding time, diaper changes, naps and other details. After finishing a task, parents need to push a button in order for the timer to make a reminder of the next scheduled baby care routine.

An electronic device for analyzing baby's cries

Trying to understand what a crying baby wants can be very stressful to the parents. To make things easier for new parents, there is an electronic gadget for understanding baby's cries that you can give to them. This gadget is equipped with a lighted display, which can flash a variety of reasons depending on what it has identified to be the cause behind the baby's troubles. When parents are able to know why the baby is crying, they will be more effectual in attending the baby's needs.

An electronic frame for playing different media

Baby memories are no longer just restricted to still-life photographs in individual photo frames. An electronic frame for playing a variety of media will allow eager parents to show off their many baby pictures. Digital media frames can play a slideshow of the baby pictures; some are even equipped with the capability to play sound and video files. This gift idea will amuse proud parents who can now easily share their baby pictures without having to rummage through piles of photographs.

Video monitoring system for babies

Before, parents who want to listen closely to their sleeping infants relied only on sound monitors. Baby monitors were made with the same principle as sound monitors but parents will not only hear their baby, they can also see the sleeping child through a real-time display. Now nervous moms can easily watch over their sleeping babies wherever they may be in the house.

Portable baby bottle warmer

Parents who are regular travelers will greatly appreciate the gift of a warmer for their baby's bottles that they can bring around with them. This gadget can be charged from an automobile cigarette lighter so parents can easily warm a bottle for their baby.

There are many baby gift ideas you can choose. What is important is that you choose a gift that will be useful for the parents and will show them your thoughts.
READ MORE - 5 Great Gift Ideas to Get For Your Baby

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Celebrate Earth Day

Submitted By: Mitch Gleason
Winter is finally over and now that it is the nice weather is not the only thing that we have to celebrate. Earth Day 2010 is only a short time away and it is time to start thinking about how you are going to celebrate this special and important day. These days we know more than ever about climate issues and what we can do to help so more and more people are becoming involved in Earth Day.Earth Day began in 1970 in the United States and was meant to be a day in which individuals learned about what they could do to protect the environment.Today the holiday is celebrated in countries all over the world and celebrated in all different ways. Some individuals celebrate by learning or teaching about the environment and/or climate issues while others celebrate by actively doing something to improve or protect the environment. Any way that you can celebrate and any step that you take to understand better the environmental concerns of today will help to overcome the problem. When you hear people say that every little bit counts, it is true.Many individuals feel that the small things that they do don't make a difference but it is when all of those small things are combined that change is really made.So this Earth Day find a way that you can celebrate and if you don't have any ideas as to how here are a couple for you to toss around in your head.It's easy to celebrate this important holiday you just have to know how.

- One of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day is to plant something either in your own yard, in a friend or family member's yard, or somewhere else where you can get permission to plant if you or a friend or family member do not have a yard that you can use. Plants and trees are not only beautiful additions to any yard but they also provide oxygen for us to breath. Plants can even feed you and save you money on your grocery bill if you plant the right ones. If you can't find a yard to plant in you can always use planting pots and place them around your home. This will also help to clean the air that you and your family breathe as well. Earth Day is all about giving back to the planet and what better way to do that than to plant something special that day.

- Another great way to celebrate Earth Day is to go a day, or even part of a day, without using electricity. Not only will this save energy which is good for the environment but it could also be a great experience for you and your family. Prepare yourself early by planning to cook on your grill and have candles on hand and it can really be an adventure.
READ MORE - How to Celebrate Earth Day

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Partridge in a Pear Tree Helps Us Keep Things in Perspective

Submitted By: Lisa Greene
Thinking about the "Twelve Days of Christmas" and the upcoming holiday season, it strikes me how perfect the timing is for this particular holiday. At the end of the year, it's a time for reflection about the blessings, joys, and challenges experienced through the year past. And, with a New Year approaching, it's a time to look ahead with hope and anticipation for what the future brings.

As I reflect on the hard year that our family has personally experienced, like so many other families during these tough times, it's tempting for me to fix my gaze on the challenges: my husband's job struggles, the financial problems, and the kids' health challenges (both have cystic fibrosis). And, then of course, the news reports don't help much as bad news screams from every street corner. It's hard to get away from it all!

And then I think about the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and it reminds me of all the many blessings I have to be thankful for. I am thankful that my true love isn't giving me a bunch of birds, maids, lords, and drummers. Although five golden rings do sound nice.... And I am thankful that we don't live in the 1700's which is when it is thought this song originated. Talk about tough times!

Life then was primarily small farming communities. What you raised or grew, you ate. No electricity, running water, plumbing, internet, or Safeway. Imagine that. Probably half of the population lived at the barest survival level. The poorest families lived together, packed into just one room. There was no welfare or unemployment checks or SSI. If the king or queen didn't like you, off with your head! Of course there was plenty of civil unrest and war: both the French and the American Revolutions occurred during this time.

And then there was the medical "system." Until 1745, barbers performed surgical operations. Yup, you read that right. "Will you be getting your hair cut today or having your appendix removed?" Ewww! In fact, did you know that the red and white barber pole is thought to represent the "blood and bandages" associated with those early dual-role days?

Smallpox was a major scourge during these times. It killed 400,000 Europeans during the 1700's alone and quacks abounded. Because medical knowledge was so limited, desperate people were vulnerable to the promises made by slick and sleazy characters hence the term: "snake oil salesman."

One of the most common treatments for many ailments was bathing in spas. Or drinking spa water. Ewww again! Was that before or after everyone had their weekly bath? Bringing this to a more personal level, babies with CF died fairly soon after birth. But today, those with CF can be very hopeful about living a full, rich life due to the many medical advances we continue to see.

So, as hard as this year has been, in light of the time and place we live in now, I am thankful. Thankful for my faith, my family and friends, my work, my country, and my freedom. And, I am thankful for a wonderful community of people like you, our doctors, and the many others who dedicate their passions, skills, and lives to helping those of us who live with CF to live better. Thank you. And I'm also thankful for a "partridge in a pear tree" for helping me keep things in perspective.
READ MORE - A Partridge in a Pear Tree Helps Us Keep Things in Perspective

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Designing Your Own Baby Shower Invites

Submitted By: Janet R.
For first-timer pregnant soon-to-be mamas, nothing compares to the excitement of bringing a newborn to this world. Traditionally, friends or family members organize a baby shower for the mom-to-be. A baby shower is a great party for her, because it gives a chance for the guests to give gifts that she can use for her upcoming bundle of joy. Aside from that, a baby shower can gather friends and family members who live far from the mom-to-be. So basically, it gives everyone a great bonding time, especially to those who never get to see and talk the guest of honor that often.

For some, planning a baby shower can be a big challenge, as it entails so many tasks to do –from preparing the invitations, finding a good venue and decorating, preparing the food, to preparing games and baby shower favors. The first thing, however, that the organizer should do is to make the expected guests aware of the baby shower itself. For this, sending out baby shower invites is very important.

What others don't know about the baby shower invites is that they are actually the ones that set up a mood for the party second to the baby shower theme. They are meant to give the guests a bit of idea on what to expect at the party. So for organizers who wish to make baby shower invites themselves, here are some tips, especially for making the invites look good to give an impression to the guests.

Choose a perfect theme that fits the baby shower. From there, you can get an inspiration on how to design your invites. If you want the party to be casual, pick a theme that will show off that certain style and theme you want. But if you want the party to be a formal affair, your chosen theme should reflect that formal style you wish. Nonetheless, the theme must tell a story about the expectant mom and her upcoming baby.

Once you have a specific theme in mind, check out the available invitations and separate the options that fit the need of the shower. Go through those cards and carefully choose the one that really stands out above the rest. If you don't want to buy pre-made invites, you might just want to make those available cards as your inspiration in making your own baby shower invitations.

Another way to make the invites look good is to choose the wordings to be printed on your invites. Carefully choose the wordings that answer the questions the guests might have about the proposed baby shower. Consider some extra wordings as well if the party requires some things that the guests should do. For example, if it requires a specific dress code, then it should written on the invites so that everyone knows about it and can prepare for it before the big day comes.

The baby shower invites may also contain information about the baby registry. Having that info on the cards makes the guests aware of the where to find baby shower gifts and what baby gifts to buy for the mom-to-be.
READ MORE - Designing Your Own Baby Shower Invites

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wedding Favor Ideas That Combined Asian and Garden Themes

Submitted By: Janet R
Known to be the “mysterious” kind, the Asian theme comes with a lot of interesting and exciting stuff that can be used in planning a wedding. But how will imagine Asian theme being combined with some other themes? Let's say the garden theme, which is often the most popular to couples who are hosting their wedding on the spring or summer season. Mixing the two themes can be a bit of a challenge, but something possible to do. Aside from the bride and groom, the two themes when combined actually make excellent couple in creating a natural motif with some touches of Asian.

The unique mood of combining two different themes creates something different to the wedding and brings closeness to all the guests. With so many couples that creatively celebrate an Asian inspired wedding these days, everyone can see the big difference of Eastern weddings to the West.

To emphasize the Asian theme at an Asian inspired wedding, the couple should include colors like deep reds, rich yellows or golden hues. These selected colors should be used in many different ways to bring the Eastern theme into the nuptial.

Going back to the main topic of combining of two wedding themes –Asian and garden –one great idea is to use candles as the wedding favors. Candles are both perfect for indoor and outdoor parties. They are very popular when it comes to wedding favors. Fortunately, candles are easy to get along no matter what the party themes are. For a garden wedding with Asian theme, the couple may consider decorated candles in red color, looking so Oriental that are perfect enough for an Asian-inspired wedding. These oriental treasures can be packaged in red or golden yellow organza bags, making traditional yet elegant favors for the guests at the wedding.

Other candles that can be used for Asian-Garden themed wedding are small green candles or plumeria scented candles. These candle favors can also be used to act as place card holders.

There are charms that are also perfect to give out as Asian wedding favors. Some of the most popular are OM and dragons, only that they must be added with motifs of nature to also reflect the garden setting. A couple can use leaves, flowers, or petals to add a natural touch to the Asian wedding favors.

Silk is a great idea to create Asian touches onto garden wedding favors. Small note pads or note books covered or wrapped in brocade are just a few ideas. A couple may also use purses or boxes that screens off pretty silk brocades are another wonderful option. Consider chopsticks or parasols for the ladies with cherry blossom design.

Asian wedding favors and other themed choices can be purchased online. Couples can find so many websites that offer a wide variety of wedding favors, whatever wedding theme they have. From the simplest wedding favors, unique favors, to the most elegant ones, there's a wide range of choices that couples to choose from online.
READ MORE - Wedding Favor Ideas That Combined Asian and Garden Themes